Should We Stop Singing “Is He Worthy?”

I don’t spend a lot of time on social media.

Unless I am replying to a few comments from my own posts, I usually try to limit myself to posting once a day, and every few days I will take a look at some posts from other people.

But one day about 6 years ago, I randomly went to the Facebook page of a friend that I don’t talk to often because I was curious to see what was going on in his world.

His most recent post was a stunningly simple but beautiful video of a new song that most people had not yet heard.

Mesmerized, I watched the video over and over again.

As a videographer, I sat there analyzing and reanalyzing the amazing scene that was shot in a single take, but I couldn’t help but also revel in the wholesome music that sounded like it was pulled straight out of Scripture.

Eventually, I stopped long enough to send the video to a few of my friends, and they all agreed that it was a great song that they had never heard before that moment.

It wasn’t long before the rest of the Christian world heard about the song, especially after it was popularized by a well-known singer. But my favourite rendition is still the original one, and I still go back once in a while to admire the videography of that first public release.

I have no claim to fame for the song, and it was my friend who posted it for me to see, but I was definitely one of the first few to know about it before it became popular.

Since then I have taught it to my church family and led several groups of people in singing it outside of my church.

Every time I sing it, I envision myself being transported into the heavenly throne room as described in Revelation 4-5.

“Is He Worthy? Is He Worthy? He is! He is!”

Ancient ScrollBetween the back-and-forth nature of the song that appeals to our biblical understanding of God, the emphasis on all three Persons of the Trinity, or the reminder that God has done everything that could be done to draw the world back into an eternal relationship with Himself, I thought that Andrew Peterson and Ben Shive did a masterful job of arranging this song.

So many people have said similar things about how this song has pointed them to Christ and reminded them that God will make all things new again someday because of what Christ has done for us.

Never had I heard a single negative thing about this song’s content…

Until this week.

The Character of the Singer

Someone came to me because I led this song at a recent event, and they wanted to talk to me about it.

I will not name the person because it doesn’t matter who it was, and I will do my best to give an accurate representation of what they said since it was in no way intended to be disparaging. They came to me in a good spirit and out of a desire to be helpful, so I want to respond in a like manner.

They began, “Did you know that this song is by Chris Tomlin?”

I responded, “He sang it, but it’s not his song.”

“Yeah, he has sung a lot of people’s songs.”

As for what else he said about Chris Tomlin, I will not repeat that part of the conversation here.

Some people really like Chris Tomlin. Personally, I don’t share that same sentiment.

But regardless of my opinion on him, from time to time, I have sung songs that Chris Tomlin has sung and even written. Whether or not it was right or not for me to do that is not the point of this post, and with greater context and understanding of those specific songs, you would be welcome to be the judge of my actions.

But as for the song “Is He Worthy,” I cannot and will not judge that song based on the person and character of Chris Tomlin anymore than I would judge a portion of Scripture based on the character of Ravi Zacharias.

No, I’m not comparing Tomlin and Zacharias. But Zacharias quoted Scripture, and it now appears that he was not the godly man of high character that everyone thought him to be. But that does not mean that the Scripture that he quoted is untrustworthy.

Likewise, just because Chris Tomlin sings a certain song that someone else wrote, does not mean that song is a bad song. I think that you should judge each song based on its inherent message and authorial intent.

Scripture is different because we should accept it as true even if we don’t understand it. Music written by humans requires a little more scrutiny.

But having gone over “Is He Worthy” multiple times, I do not believe that Peterson and Shive had evil intent, and I believe the message of the song is biblical and sound.

Hence, I am not telling you what this friend said about Chris Tomlin, and I am not making an appeal to the person of Tomlin one way or another because it is not a song that he wrote.

He merely popularized a version of it that I think is inferior to the original (now you know how I truly feel).

The Content of the Song

As for the content of the song itself, this concerned person said that “Is He Worthy” is a bad song (he may have used a harsher adjective, but I can’t remember for sure, and I don’t want to misrepresent him) because it fosters emotions of doubt within us.

He said that the song asks questions over and over again that we already know the answers to, so we shouldn’t be asking them in the first place. Asking those questions causes us to doubt what we already know to be true.

To be fair, I can kind of see what he meant. Although he didn’t mention this example, perhaps he recalls the serpent’s questions to Eve in Genesis 3 that were intended to plant seeds of doubt.

In my opinion, that would be the best example of doubt-inducing questions in the Bible.

He did admit that even though the song asks a lot of questions, it answers all of them immediately. If you know the song, you know this to be true. Every single question is answered immediately or within just a few seconds by a satisfactory, biblical response.

But he said that if you read through the complete text and do the math, it asks more questions than it gives answers, so ultimately the song ends with more questions than answers, causing us subconsciously to start to doubt.

He said that if Jesus had been present when we sang that song, He would not have been happy with us singing it because of the questions that we were asking in the song. Jesus would not want us to ask those questions and doubt who He is.

This was the first time I had ever been confronted with this perspective, and I never would have imagined that this would be the song that someone would use to talk about doubting God!

But I also want to be objective and reasonable and listen to what other people have to say instead of just sticking with my own opinion.

We are all different and come from different backgrounds, and we should always be sensitive to the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of others.

So when he asked me what I thought about his perspective, I said, “Well, I know that there are times in the Bible where questions are asked and answers are given, so I would have to study it some more and see what happened each of those times. Were the questions intended to cause doubt, or were they answered immediately, or was there a purpose for asking them? I would have to take a look at it some more and see what I find.”

Listen, understand, and do my research. Then if I feel that a defense is necessary, I can do so when I am finished. But I wanted to respect and honour him, his time, and his concern instead of jumping to conclusions on a song that I love so much.

The Questions in the Song

Since I already addressed his first concern (that Chris Tomlin sang the song), I will focus here on the second issue that he raised concerning the worthiness of the song because of the numerous questions that it poses.

The immediate context of the song is Revelation 4-5, and I make a habit of reading a portion of that Scripture almost every time I lead the song.

Revelation 5:2-3 says, “Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, ‘Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?’ And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it.”

The angel asks the question, and the answer returns painfully silent. You can almost feel the universe crying in agony, “What? No one?!” Well, at least in John’s limited understanding.

In verse 4, he says, “So I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it.”

Now, if those few verses don’t instill a little doubt in you, I don’t know what does.

But then one of the elders comforts him in verse 5: “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.”

A question and an almost immediate answer. But there was still enough space between the question and answer for John to weep. This is quite interesting because John knew Jesus and should have known that He was worthy! Perhaps he just didn’t know what all was required for someone to be eligible to open the scroll?

Okay, back to the song. “Is He Worthy” doesn’t echo this question in Revelation 5:2 word for word, but the premise of the song is the same.

Rather than asking, “Who is worthy,” the song instead anticipates that we already know the answer. So it asks, “Is He Worthy,” to which we reply, “He is.”

Is this difference in the wording of the question enough to warrant a negative reaction to the question of “Is He Worthy?”

I personally don’t think so because the parallel with Revelation 5:2 seems extremely obvious to me.

But lest I focus too much on that singular question that is repeated throughout the song, let’s now turn our attention to the other questions in the song.

“Do you feel the world is broken?”

This question is simply about the state of our world and is a fair question to ask. Nothing about this question casts any doubt on the person or character or work of God.

Yes, I do indeed feel that the world is broken. This is not how God designed it.

“Do you feel the shadows deepen?”

Once again, this question does not cast any doubt on God. If anything, it casts doubt on the efforts of man to make the world a better place because we are failing miserably.

Yes, I do feel the shadows deepen. This world is dark and ugly.

“But do you know that all the dark won’t stop the light from getting through?”

This is actually a question that probes the extent of our Bible knowledge. Do we only know that the world is broken and dark, or have we also learned what the Bible says about God overcoming the darkness? The structure of this question is unique because it communicates a ray of hope with the sole purpose of alleviating any doubts that we may be harboring.

“Good news! In case you didn’t already know, the light will defeat the darkness! Are you convinced of this?”

Yes, I am.

“Do you wish that you could see it all made new?”

This is a genuine, good-natured question, especially for those of us who really love the world and all that it offers us right now. Are we content with this world the way it is?

Nah. I want to “see it all made new.” Thanks for asking.

Next set of questions.

“Is all creation groaning?”

Definitely not a question that would instill doubt but perhaps even a check on our consciousness to see if we are only wrapped up in the beauty of the world or if we also recognize the truth of Romans 8:20-22.

I’ve traveled around this world and seen a lot. Yes, it’s groaning. I don’t doubt that at all.

“Is a new creation coming?”

Okay, why would we ask this question? Maybe we’re doubting that God will recreate the world? Or, perhaps many of our churches haven’t actually educated people about the new heaven and the new earth (Revelation 21:1), and we all think that after this world is destroyed we will live eternally in heaven?

Based on the illiteracy of many Christians when it comes to the future eternal realms, I think this question could might cause some people to stop and say, “Wait, is that really a thing?”

That would be a good thing.

“Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst?”

This is another good, thought-provoking topic that we do not broach often, so I think we should talk about it. Will the glory of God be the light amongst us?

Yes, in the absence of the sun, yes, God’s glory will be our light. Rather than doubting that fact, this question causes me to stop and reconsider the significance of that truth.

“Is it good that we remind ourselves of this?”

Your answer to that question, I suppose, would be altered by your opinion of the song. If you think these are bad questions, maybe these questions are not helpful reminders for you.

But if you think the questions are good, yes, these rhetorical questions cause you to remember what you’ve learned and perhaps strengthen your faith.

Up until now, none of these questions should cause us to doubt who God is or what he has done. Do you disagree?

At this point in the song, the chorus begins and asks several questions.

“Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole? Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?”

Straight from Revelation 5:2, right? As mentioned earlier, the question is slightly reframed, but it has the same effect.

The main difference is that by saying “is anyone worthy” rather than “who is worthy,” we are emphasizing that there is only one possible answer because of the standard unworthiness of the rest of us.

The chorus precedes to immediately recognize the Jesus of Revelation 5 as the answer to each of those questions.

Onto the last set of questions in the third stanza.

“Does the Father truly love us?”

This question sounds similar to those found in Psalm 10:1, 42:9, 44:24, 74:10, etc. Was it wrong for those questions in the Psalms to be asked? No, as long as they knew the answer and clung to that answer as truth.

I would say that the same thing happens here in this song, especially since the answer comes immediately.

What about the song, “I Stand Amazed,” where it says that I “wonder how he could love me, a sinner condemned, unclean”?

Isn’t it an amazing thing that God truly loves us?

Perhaps we should look at our sinfulness more often in the light of God’s holiness and ask ourselves, “Wait, does God truly love me?”

Rather than doubting this truth, perhaps we would gain an ever greater appreciation for just how much he loves us!

“Does the Spirit move among us?”

Some people may not know the answer to this question because we downplay the Holy Spirit so much. Perhaps we should also ask this question more often so that we are motivated to find the biblical answer?

“And does Jesus our Messiah hold forever those he loves?”

I can see how this question would be one that Satan could use to cause us to doubt: “Does Jesus really hold you forever?”

But then again, the wording of “Jesus our Messiah” acknowledges that Jesus is the one who delivers us, and Satan would not describe Jesus as the Messiah.

Some people already struggle with doubts about their eternal security, so if this song causes them to doubt further that Christ holds them forever, I hope they would confidently respond with everyone else, “He does!”

“Does our God intend to dwell again with us?”

If you already answered affirmatively to the questions about the light overcoming the darkness and the Father loving us, this one is a no-brainer.

No doubt, yes, God intends to dwell with us.

The Nature of the Questions

Do we see these types of questions in other places of Scripture outside of the Psalms?

Yes, in fact, we do.

Rhetorical questions are found many times in Scripture. But rather than look at all of them, I specifically want to see how God uses rhetorical questions.

We see the first instance in Genesis 3:9. After Adam and Eve sinned and tried to hide, God said, “Where are you?”

Was God trying to make them doubt that he knew where they were? Obviously not. They were now fallen human beings, but they were still smart. They knew that God knew where they were.

God then asks in Genesis 3:11, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?”

Did God want them to doubt that they were naked or that they had sinned? Again, no.

These rhetorical questions did not cause them to doubt the truth of the questions. Rather, the questions emphasized what they already knew to be true. But now they had to vocalize these truths rather than just internalizing them.

In Job 38-39, we see one of the most powerful series of rhetorical questions in the Bible. Like the waters of the deep that burst open in Genesis 7, God pours out a flood of questions upon Job: “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Who determined its measurements? Or who shut in the sea with doors? Who has put wisdom in the mind? Who can number the clouds by wisdom?”

On and on he goes, barely giving Job time to think about the answer before moving onto the next question.

The end result? Job wasn’t doubting God!

No, Job rightly responded, “Behold, I am vile; What shall I answer You? I lay my hand over my mouth” (Job 40:4).

God never intended for Job to doubt him by asking all of those questions. He intended for Job to recognize more fully that God was who he already knew God to be!

In fact, on the contrary, he asked Job all of these questions because Job had started to doubt the character of God.

I think we have plenty of biblical proof that rhetorical questions can and should be used to remind ourselves of who God is. This does not dishonour God.


When someone asks me questions about the very essence of God, my initial response should be a defensive one, not one of doubt.

I ask people in my congregation all the time, “Is God good?” I don’t ever hesitate to ask that question because maybe someone will think, “Wait, is he good? Now I don’t know.”

No, I ask that question because I know that if they are truly saved, their response will be, “Of course he is good!” I am appealing to the intellect in such a way that a person will instantly respond with what they believe, not simply quote verbatim what someone else has told them to say.

So, based on my reading of Scripture and the questions contained therein, I am confident that “Is He Worthy” is a good song. Indeed, it is worthy of being used to worship God.

If, by asking the questions contained in the song, I start to doubt Jesus Christ rather than seeing the parallel with Revelation 5:2, I am no worse than John who wept rather than recognizing Jesus as the answer to the question.

Furthermore, if I start to doubt Jesus Christ because of these questions, shouldn’t the rest of the song be the reassurance I need that my doubts are unfounded?

If, at the conclusion of the song, I still doubt that Jesus Christ is worthy, how weak was my faith going into the song?

Honestly, the more I dissect this song, the more I’m convinced that the rhetorical questions in this song are a powerful way of drawing me back to the God I already know and emblazoning those truths deeper in my mind.

These truths about God should already be internalized, and the rhetorical nature of the song should encourage me now to vocalize what I know along with everyone else.

Now, for a completely different perspective on the original music video itself, you might find this post by Andrew Peterson thought-provoking.

Let me know what you think! Lay aside your biases and make an honest evaluation of this song. Do you think this is a good song or not, and why?

“He Lives” Has Poor Theology

Empty TombAs Easter approaches, churches are preparing their musical selections for their Sunday services.

Many of them will probably sing Alfred Ackley’s popular song, “He Lives,” without putting much thought into the theology that the hymn promotes.

I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world today;
I know that He is living, whatever men may say;
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him, He’s always near.

He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me
Along life’s narrow way.
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart.

But as for me and my house, that song is on our banned list.

To be fair, I agree with most of the tenets of the song. But the part that I disagree with is so fundamental to the message of the song that I have to throw out the whole thing.

The first stanza begins by saying, “I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world today.” This is wholly unbiblical.

Here are three reasons this is incorrect:

1. Ascension of Jesus Christ
After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples over a period of forty days before ascending into heaven (Acts 1:3). The ascension of Jesus is a fundamental aspect of Christian belief, affirming His exaltation and reign as Lord and Savior at the right hand of God the Father (Acts 1:9-11; Ephesians 1:20-21). As such, Jesus is not physically present on earth in the same way He was during His earthly ministry.

2. Presence of the Holy Spirit
While Jesus is no longer physically present on earth, He promised to send the Holy Spirit to dwell within believers (John 14:16-17). Through the Holy Spirit, believers experience the presence of God in their lives, guiding, empowering, and transforming them to live according to His teachings (Romans 8:9-11; Galatians 2:20).

3. Body of Jesus Christ
In the absence of the physical presence of Christ, the Bible refers to the congregation of believers as the body of Christ here on earth. Christ is depicted as the head of the body, and the church derives its direction, purpose, and vitality from Him (Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18). As the head, Christ exercises authority over the body, nourishing and sustaining it, and guiding it in accordance with His will. The church is entrusted with the mission of continuing the work of Christ on earth, proclaiming the Gospel, making disciples, and demonstrating God’s love and compassion to the world (Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 5:20).

Based on all of this biblical evidence, how confusing is it, especially to people who are still young in their faith, to exclaim triumphantly that Jesus is “in the world today”?

He Is Not HereHe is not here! He is risen, and now he sits at the right hand of the throne of God (Ephesians 1:20; Colossians 3:1). Christ does, however, continue to work in the world through the Holy Spirit and the congregation of the saved.

Continuing on, the chorus of the hymn declares, “You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.”

While personal experience can indeed play a role in one’s faith journey, it should not be the sole or primary basis for belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

1. Subjectivity vs. Objectivity
Personal experiences, feelings, and perceptions can vary widely among individuals and are inherently subjective. While they may provide comfort and assurance to believers, they do not provide objective evidence for the truth of the resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical event with objective implications, supported by eyewitness testimony, historical documents, and archaeological evidence.

2. Reliability of Experience
Personal experiences can be influenced by various factors such as emotions, biases, cultural background, and psychological state. While experiences of God’s presence or spiritual encounters can be meaningful and transformative, they are not always reliable indicators of truth. Moreover, individuals from different religious traditions may claim similar experiences, leading to conflicting interpretations of truth. Therefore, personal experiences should be critically examined in light of Scripture and the broader Christian tradition.

While personal experiences can be meaningful and significant in the Christian faith journey, they should be grounded in the objective reality of Jesus’ resurrection and the teachings of Scripture.

If “you ask me how I know he lives,” my answer echoes the simple truth of another well-known song: “The Bible tells me so.”

Jesus does not live in my heart, but the Holy Spirit does (on behalf of the Godhead).

Yes, Jesus lives! Not because I feel like it, and not because he takes care of me.

He lives because He arose again, just like he said he would, and I know all of this because the Bible says so.

Hymn Story: In the Garden

If you attend a classic “singspiration” at a church gathering or the funeral of an older person, the odds of you singing or hearing this song are pretty high.

At least in my experience. Along with “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” this one seems to rank up there as one of the all-time favourites for people from the middle of the 20th century.

Flowers in the Garden

“I Come to the Garden Alone,” also known as “In the Garden,” is a hymn with lyrics written by American songwriter C. Austin Miles in 1912. The hymn is based on an experience Miles claimed to have had in his garden while reflecting on the biblical account of Mary Magdalene encountering the risen Christ in the garden near the tomb.

Interestingly, I also find that many people are unaware of the song’s connection to Jesus’ resurrection and his appearance to Mary of Magdala. They latch onto the personal nature of the song as they think about God’s abiding presence with them, but they don’t know that the song originated from someone’s literal meeting with Jesus in a garden while he was still on Earth.

According to Miles, he was inspired to write the hymn after reading the Gospel of John, specifically the passage about Mary Magdalene’s encounter with Jesus on the morning of His resurrection (John 20:11-18). In this account, Mary goes to the tomb and, finding it empty, encounters Jesus, whom she initially mistakes for the gardener. It’s at this point that Jesus reveals Himself to her, saying her name, and Mary responds, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”).

Miles was deeply moved by the idea of a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus, akin to the relationship between the gardener and the visitor in the garden. This inspired him to write the lyrics to “I Come to the Garden Alone” as a reflection on the joy of communing with Christ in a quiet and solitary place, similar to the garden setting in the biblical narrative.

The hymn has resonated with many over the years for its emphasis on the personal connection with Jesus and the sense of peace and communion found in spending time alone with Him.

But more significantly, its lyrics speak to the profound experience of encountering the risen Christ in the garden. Oh, what a day that must have been! I would love to hear Mary’s first-hand account of it someday.

By the way, C. Austin Miles wrote and contributed to several Christian songs. Did you know that he wrote a hymn entitled, “In the Upper Room” (1898)? Perhaps we’ll take a look at that song in a future post.

Hymn Story: Joy to the World

“And heaven ‘n nature sing! And heaven ‘n nature sing!”

Is anything more indicative that Christmas season has arrived than that familiar chorus wafting triumphantly through the air?

Ironically, the basis for these words is separated from the events of the nativity by over 2000 years.

Joy to the World“Joy to the World” as a hymn that reflects on the universal joy that should accompany the coming of the Lord, drawing inspiration from Psalm 98. The lyrics of the song were penned by Englishman Isaac Watts, a prolific hymn writer. The “Father of English Hymnody” published the lyrics in 1719 as part of his collection of hymns titled “The Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament.”

Ironically, just as “Joy to the World” is not actually a Christmas song, Psalm 98 is not actually attributed to David.

The specific inspiration for the hymn came from verses 4-9 of Psalm 98. These verses express the joy of all creation at the second coming of the Lord. Watts adapted and paraphrased the psalmic text to create the lyrics that we now erroneously associate with Christ’s first advent.

A closer look at the Psalms shows us that Psalms 96 and 97 are thematically tied to Psalm 98, each of them celebrating the Messiah’s rule over the entire world. As we know (and as Watts knew) from the New Testament, Jesus did not rule over the whole earth during his first coming.

In another twist of misunderstandings, the musical setting commonly used for “Joy to the World” is attributed to the German composer George Frideric Handel. However,  the melody was likely adapted by Lowell Mason in the 19th century from themes found in Handel’s works, thus lending to the misattribution to the “Messiah’s” composer.

I love to sing “Joy to the World,” and I love to play it and hear it played. Its lively and awe-inspiring melody, combined with the exuberant lyrics, has made it a timeless and festive addition to Christmas celebrations around the world.

Personally, I am not opposed to its inclusion during the Christmas season, but I think it should always be placed in its proper context.

Just as we remind people that Santa Claus doesn’t actually deliver gifts on Christmas Eve, we should never sing or play “Joy to the World” without reminding people that it’s not a song about Christ’s birth.

Misappropriated theology is bad theology, and if we sing or play this hymn unaware of its true message, we communicate misinformation and confusion about what really happened when Christ came to earth the first time.

Here’s an idea: Read Psalm 98 together before singing the song so that Scripture can breathe even more life into Watts’ lyrics!

Why Your Church Should Have Handbells- Part 4

In the second post of this series, I talked about the teamwork that is involved in playing handbells. Teamwork and unity are two things that every church should constantly work on, and handbells are a great way to teach those concepts.

On the other hand, handbells are also great for teaching people to play independently. In Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul likened the church to the human body: “For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another” (Romans 12:5-6).

One of the big issues plaguing churches today is the lack of involvement by so many of the church members. Imagine a handbell choir of 11 people, but only 4 show up for rehearsal!

Sadly, that’s the state of many churches in our world.

When you play in a full handbell ensemble, very rarely will you ever play something by yourself that could stand on its own if everyone else was taken away. So you’re essentially learning to play a series of sounds that make little or no sense. They seem insignificant.

But once you put everyone together, each playing their small, insignificant parts, you suddenly get something big and beautiful and potentially amazing.

The key is to have each person play their individual part really well. You definitely notice when someone is missing or if they are playing their part incorrectly!

This lesson is important for church members to learn. When they serve in the church, they may be asked to do something that seems small and insignificant. But it takes a whole body of believers, each doing their job well, to grow the body of Christ.

You can preach this from the pulpit and teach it in small groups, but handbells are a great way to illustrate the principle in a way that people will understand.

Why Your Church Should Have Handbells- Part 3

This last Sunday at Lighthouse Baptist, we finally started reading music. After spending the first three weeks practicing only two techniques (ringing and damping), I decided that the ensembles were ready for the next challenge.

Boy, was it a challenge! The adults and teens all have a moderate to advanced knowledge of music and can read notes…or so we thought. It took us a few minutes to play our first scale on the printed page, but we finally figured it out.

Handbell MusicWe spent rest of the rehearsal practicing basic scales and some chords, all in the key of C major. We had a lot of fun, and almost all the mistakes were things that we could laugh about together.

At the end of the rehearsal, I shared James 1:2-4 with them: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

Now, James probably didn’t have music rehearsals in mind when he wrote that passage, but it was enough of a trial for us to remind us that we need to keep working hard while remaining patient. Eventually, we will play some beautiful music together, but until then, we must wait and work and strive to improve.

As for the children’s rehearsal- that was a different story. Almost none of them have prior experience reading music, so we get to start from the beginning with them as they learn to ring together. By the end of the rehearsal we successfully played two scales an octave apart simultaneously…in both directions!

This brings me to my next reason for having a church handbell ministry. You can use it to teach people how to read and play music! That seems like a no-brainer, but perhaps we don’t realize just how much of a blessing this can be to the church.

Music lessons generally are not cheap, especially if they are good ones. Outside of the United States, there are some countries where music lessons in general are scarce. But here in our church we are using handbells to give people free music lessons every week.

Because of the unique nature of handbells and how each person only has a piece of the melody (as discussed in my last post), those who already have a musical background have the opportunity to expand their knowledge base.

For those who do not know how to read and play music, they get to learn something new, and perhaps later they can build on this knowledge by learning to sing or play other instruments.

So there you go! Reason #3 for starting a handbell ministry in your church 🙂

Why Your Church Should Have Handbells- Part 2

Playing the piano is easy, right? Well, okay, maybe not, especially after you watch a virtuoso masterfully pull a classical piece out of the instrument.

Of course your answer to that question depends on your experience at the ivory keys. If you have spent many years developing your abilities on the piano, yeah, you might say it’s easy. But if you don’t even know how pick out a tune one note at a time, you might say it’s extremely difficult.

How about this, try lining up a dozen people at the piano and giving them each only 2-4 keys, no more, no less. Now play a song. Even Mozart and Haydn and Bach would struggle to do that!

It’s much easier to play the piano when both of your hands are controlling handfuls of notes at a time than when you have to share it with several other people and only play a few notes at a time.

Handbell DuetOne of the beautiful things about handbells is the amount of teamwork it requires. It’s the relative equivalent of lining up several people at a piano and giving them each a few keys to plays.

It’s not like an orchestra because in an orchestra you usually have other instruments that can cover up for your mistakes. But a handbell ensemble usually features about a dozen or so soloists who must all play their individual notes at the right time in the right way (oh, and it’s important to play the right notes).

The teamwork aspect is one of my favourite things about handbells. As ringers progress, they can also challenge themselves further by playing in smaller groups.

In a quartet one ringer might be responsible for 5-10 bells, and in a duet a ringer might be responsible for up to 20 bells…or more! Yet a great amount of teamwork is required to fit in with the other ringers at any given time during the song.

Teamwork is extremely important in a local church. Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 both compare the church to the human body, describing the church as the body of Christ: “For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another” (Romans 12:4-5).

Every believer in the body of Christ has abilities that aid the overall ministry of the church, and no two people are alike in what they are able to accomplish. So they must all work together, doing what they do well, so that the body of Christ grows.

One way to teach teamwork in the church is with handbells. It works for children, it works for teens, and it works for adults. Not to mention that it provides a great opportunity for building relationships across ages as people of different levels in life ring together.

Why Your Church Should Have Handbells- Part 1

This last Sunday was an exciting day for me. For about three years I’ve dreamed about directing a handbell ensemble, and that dream finally came true, much sooner than I ever expected! Sometimes even those dreams that you don’t dream come true!

In the future I will provide more details about how God provided this unique new opportunity at my church, but in this series of posts I am going to share why I think every church should consider starting a handbell ministry.

Lighthouse Baptist Church has never had this ministry in the past, and as far as I know, we are one of the few Baptist churches in our area to have a ringing ensemble. Fourth Baptist Church is on the other side of the Twin Cities here in Minnesota, and they have a thriving handbell ministry. But aside from them, I don’t know of anyone else nearby.

Why So Few?

Based on my travels around the country and my observations from the orders that came in when I worked in a handbell repair shop, the churches with handbell ensembles are primarily Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, and Catholic. Oh, and let me add that many of these churches have not just one but *two* sets of bells.

So why don’t more Baptist and non-denominational churches have handbell ministries? I have no idea.

Maybe it’s because we have less money and don’t want to pay for the instruments. Maybe it’s because we often favor more progressive music styles and don’t think that handbells fit into that style.

Maybe we just don’t know much about them and no one is telling us about them.

Lighthouse Baptist is now the second church that I have been part of in the last few years that has decided to start a handbell ministry, and I think it is a very positive move. Today I am going to share just one reason why.

Bell RingingA Unique Opportunity

Handbells offer a unique opportunity to teach biblical truth.

Yeah, but why do we need need to spend thousands of dollars on new instruments and start a new ministry just to do that?

Great question! But slow down…that’s only the first reason. I’ll give more in the future. Right now let me explain this one.

Hopefully we teach biblical truth in our churches with the sermons, the singing, the Sunday School classes, the conferences, and the Bible studies. But for the most part, those are all lecture-type settings.

But handbells are hands-on, and they require immediate application.

When I preach or teach, I’m a huge proponent of offering practical ideas for application and implementation of biblical truth. You should never conclude a teaching time without telling people how to implement what they have learned as soon as they leave the building.

Once they leave, only time will tell if people respond or not.

But in handbells, ringers are forced to immediately apply what they are learning, or the group won’t progress. The theoretical instantly becomes reality. This provides ensemble directors with the opportunity to show people the difference between doing things one way and doing things another way.

So how does this enable the church to teach biblical truth?

More than Music

This week we spent the whole rehearsal learning basic ringing techniques. We are going to do the same thing next week…and the week after that…and the week after that.

Why? Because they need to know the basics before they can move on to the more advanced. They need a strong foundation so they don’t develop bad habits.

In other terms, we could say that they need to learn the elementary principles of ringing. (Does that terminology ring a bell? 😉 If not, it will soon.)

But if I told them that they need to learn the basics and then I immediately started teaching them more advanced techniques, I would undermine my own authority. My mouth would say, “The basics are really important,” but my actions would say, “Just kidding!”

I can assure you, however, that at the end of this month, my ringers will know the basics exceptionally well. They will have no choice because I won’t give them a choice 🙂

Not only will they hear me talk about it, but they will experience immediate application. Either that or they won’t continue to ring with us.

I told my ringers on Sunday that we are going to end every rehearsal by applying the day’s rehearsal to a truth from Scripture.

This week we compared our rehearsal time to the truth taught in Hebrews 5:12-14: “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

Many people in our churches have been reborn long enough that they ought to be able to teach and disciple other believers. Unfortunately, they have not reached full maturity yet because they have not been properly fed! They need more milk!

Likewise, our ringers need a solid foundation in the basics before they can move on to greater things.

Wrapping It Up

Here’s the conclusion. The ringers at Lighthouse Baptist have been told that they need to learn the basics. For four weeks they will apply what I have told them by actually doing nothing but the basics.

They will experience hands-on what it means to implement what I have asked them to do, and they will eventually see the difference it makes.

As a result, I can also take biblical truth and apply it to our hands-on “experiment.” When they think of Hebrews 5:12-14, they can think back to when they spent a month “drinking the milk” of handbells.

For the most part, when you preach or teach, you can tell people how to apply Scripture, and you can give them illustrations, but it’s harder to give them that visual, hands-on illustration that says, “See, this is why.”

But with handbells you can do that, and at Lighthouse, that is exactly what we will do.

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Echo His praises!